Any individual who registers for one of our partner agency programs and has a special need is eligible for inclusion services. Inclusion services are offered to residents of WSSRA’s eleven partnership agencies at no additional cost to the family.
Mark the appropriate “Special Accommodation’s” section on the registration form/ or tell the person you are registering with to fill out special accommodations needed.
Once the registration form is submitted, the partner agency will contact the family to discuss the type of Inclusion support needed for the participant.
The partner agency will provide WSSRA with an Inclusion notification that contains both program and participant information.
The family is then contacted by WSSRA to further discuss the needs of the participant and get input on the type of support needed.
WSSRA will work with the partner agency to put the necessary Inclusion accommodations in place for participation in the desired program(s).
Communication between WSSRA, partner agency staff, and the family continues throughout the inclusion process.